I just had a thought last night as I sulked alone in my room while listening to my mp3 for being abandoned by my mother (I was being childish... =.=').
What makes us so hooked on listening to music?
I still haven't gotten the answer...
About Me
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
30 Days Challenge; DAY 1!
I'm taking this challenge just for the fun of it. And I got this from my dear Raerae. You know who you are babe. (p/s - I'm addicted to the song at your blog.)
DAY 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.
Well, as all of you know, I am very much single.
I've been single for a very long time and I don't feel the need to change my status anytime soon. Or perhaps that is because I have grown comfortable and accustomed of being by myself, not having to report to someone of my wellbeing, my whereabout and my doings.
I have been in a relationship twice during my high school though truthfully, I won't really call it a relationship. They lasted for less than a month; around two weeks I believe and it was most probably because I never really like my boyfriend at that time. Don't get me wrong, I like them but I didn't like them, get it? The stories behind my relationships were quite complicated so let us leave it at that.
Well, for me, I am very much enjoying single life though I am not going to deny that I feel lonely at times and want nothing more to have someone to talk to, someone to share jokes with and someone to lean on when I need a pillar of support. But then, I realised that I already have someone for all of that and this someone have always been there for me. He never leaves me, always by my side and He knows best what's going through my head and what's hidden in my heart. He's the only support I will ever needed and only He will be with me and help me through my hardest and joyous part of my life. He is here, has been and will always be. There's no question about it.
So I thought to myself, I don't need a boyfriend. I have Allah.
What I really need is a husband. *winks*
because I miss them...so damn much.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Looks can be pretty deceiving...
It's almost 12 pm and I've been to McDonald for the second time now and let me tell you, I'm not that big of a fan of McD.
I was awoken this morning quite early by my beloved mother for the sole reason of buying chicken porridge for my dear sick father and at that time, I was kinda groggy. I don't like people disturbing my sleep so I was like, "wha? dun wan...let me shleep..." buried self deeper into the heavenly comfort of fluffy pillows.
But of course, mother being mother, has a strong leash on her daughter so with a rather heavy heart (and eyelids), I got out of my sleeping nest and made myself decent enough for the outside world. Long story short, I arrived at McD, took the drive-thru and ordered a bowl of chicken porridge and an apple pie for my own self. So you see, the cashier at that time was really cute and he was really friendly (as in, he greets with a smile and asks you warmly what you want to order and says 'thank you, please come again' with such pleasantry and I'm sounding like a smitten teenage girl. -.-) so I kinda...erm...check him out a little. >.<
He wasn't handsome, he was just...cute. Kinda boyish looking. Definitely not tall, probably shorter than me and his built is that of a teenage boy. Even so there's a sense of maturity about him so you won't mistaken him as a high school boy. I predict he's around my age or a bit older.
Anyway, I was just checking him out so that was all that happened and I was very much content with it. Even then, I kind of had my suspicions about him but I just let it be because it's not like I'm going to meet him again or be friends with him or anything. And so the suspicions were being left as just suspicions.
Around 11am, my dad wanted another bowl of chicken porridge and me, being an obedient daughter that I am, went out to buy it, again. On the way, I thought to myself, wouldn't it be funny if it's the same cashier again... and whaddaya know, it WAS the same cashier again.
At that time I was a bit embarrassed and I know for sure that he remembered me because he wore that knowing smile of 'hey, it's you again! ordering the same thing!' and I could see a taint of mirth in his eyes and no people, I am not imagining things. As he went to get my order, I checked him out again because I just felt like I was missing something here and sure enough, as I got my receipt, my suspicions earlier on were answered.
It's a she. The cashier is a girl.
Talk about being androgynous.
I was awoken this morning quite early by my beloved mother for the sole reason of buying chicken porridge for my dear sick father and at that time, I was kinda groggy. I don't like people disturbing my sleep so I was like, "wha? dun wan...let me shleep..." buried self deeper into the heavenly comfort of fluffy pillows.
But of course, mother being mother, has a strong leash on her daughter so with a rather heavy heart (and eyelids), I got out of my sleeping nest and made myself decent enough for the outside world. Long story short, I arrived at McD, took the drive-thru and ordered a bowl of chicken porridge and an apple pie for my own self. So you see, the cashier at that time was really cute and he was really friendly (as in, he greets with a smile and asks you warmly what you want to order and says 'thank you, please come again' with such pleasantry and I'm sounding like a smitten teenage girl. -.-) so I kinda...erm...check him out a little. >.<
He wasn't handsome, he was just...cute. Kinda boyish looking. Definitely not tall, probably shorter than me and his built is that of a teenage boy. Even so there's a sense of maturity about him so you won't mistaken him as a high school boy. I predict he's around my age or a bit older.
Anyway, I was just checking him out so that was all that happened and I was very much content with it. Even then, I kind of had my suspicions about him but I just let it be because it's not like I'm going to meet him again or be friends with him or anything. And so the suspicions were being left as just suspicions.
Around 11am, my dad wanted another bowl of chicken porridge and me, being an obedient daughter that I am, went out to buy it, again. On the way, I thought to myself, wouldn't it be funny if it's the same cashier again... and whaddaya know, it WAS the same cashier again.
At that time I was a bit embarrassed and I know for sure that he remembered me because he wore that knowing smile of 'hey, it's you again! ordering the same thing!' and I could see a taint of mirth in his eyes and no people, I am not imagining things. As he went to get my order, I checked him out again because I just felt like I was missing something here and sure enough, as I got my receipt, my suspicions earlier on were answered.
It's a she. The cashier is a girl.
Talk about being androgynous.
Monday, April 4, 2011
A Life.
I was reading this one fic and it was short and brief yet after finished reading it, I felt...melancholy. Then I came across her blog and there was this one post in which she talked about the dilemma she's having in between following her dream or just play it safe and a thought came through my mind.
'What am I doing?'
I've been rather...aimless these past two months and I realised that I've lost the motivation to actually LIVE OUT my life as I've plan it out to be once upon a time. I just stayed at home, doing nothing but meaningless things such as surfing the net for things of no importance or watching some stupid dramas that bring nothing but, well...nothing or perchance just laying around daydreaming of the impossible.
I need my priorities back.
I need my motivation back.
And most important of all, I need a life.
And I need it now.
Guess it's time to change.
I heart them. Fullstop.
(-fangirling mode- jdh65&^!@$543jdf I WANT THIS SONG SO FREAKING BAAAADDD! Jae-sama~)
'What am I doing?'
I've been rather...aimless these past two months and I realised that I've lost the motivation to actually LIVE OUT my life as I've plan it out to be once upon a time. I just stayed at home, doing nothing but meaningless things such as surfing the net for things of no importance or watching some stupid dramas that bring nothing but, well...nothing or perchance just laying around daydreaming of the impossible.
I need my priorities back.
I need my motivation back.
And most important of all, I need a life.
And I need it now.
Guess it's time to change.
I heart them. Fullstop.
(-fangirling mode- jdh65&^!@$543jdf I WANT THIS SONG SO FREAKING BAAAADDD! Jae-sama~)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Random funny anime pictures that I found... XP by all means, they are NOT mine. Credit goes to those who own them.
I just remember that this dude is from Fate Stay Night but I don't remember his name. My brother is the one who follows this anime. hehe.
awwww.....-strangles the cat dead as taught by a certain lecturer...hehehehe-
I just remember that this dude is from Fate Stay Night but I don't remember his name. My brother is the one who follows this anime. hehe.
awwww.....-strangles the cat dead as taught by a certain lecturer...hehehehe-
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Bits and Pieces that made up Beijing.
1. They honk. A lot.
Do not be surprised by their easy use of the honking system.
2. Bicycle lane. No kidding.
Isn't that like the most economical thing ever?
3. Expensive cars are everywhere.
I've been told that cars are pretty cheap over there though the price of petrol is another story.
4. Little kids and babies? A rarity.
Because one family is only entitled of ONE child only. Their population is a bit crowded. 20 million.
5.High rate of live long.
Thus old people is not a rarity. But oh my god, aren't they fit!
6. Not the most friendly people especially around foreigners.
Though I am not generalising the whole Beijing people...pfft.
7.They don't drink tea. They eat tea.
The various types of tea...Jasmine tea, Oolong tea, Wild Puer tea, Green tea, Black tea, White tea, Herbal tea, and the list goes on~ And they drink tea plainly. No sugar or milk or whatsoever.
8. Their diet mostly consist of...VEGETABLES~
and their vegetables are very good. Extra crunchy than ours and has more prominent taste. Not bitter at all. Or maybe that's just me...
9.Their strawberry is a must taste!
BIG AND SWEET~ No kidding.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Keeping the faith
I'm losing my faith.
I don't know how long can I hold on to this thin delicate rope of uncertainty. It's hard. Too damn hard and I miss for the way it used to be. I longed for the way it used to be.
They should not have this much effect on me. It's wrong. But they did and there's no turning back. You cannot undo the tight knot that has made its permanent mark in this fragile heart. And truth to be told, I don't want to untie it.
And the rope is on the verge of breaking.
I don't know how long can I hold on to this thin delicate rope of uncertainty. It's hard. Too damn hard and I miss for the way it used to be. I longed for the way it used to be.
They should not have this much effect on me. It's wrong. But they did and there's no turning back. You cannot undo the tight knot that has made its permanent mark in this fragile heart. And truth to be told, I don't want to untie it.
And the rope is on the verge of breaking.
Monday, March 7, 2011
This blog is pretty vacant thus I feel the need to fill it with my crappy writing so here goes nothing.
Let us start with how my day went for today. Well, today was my first time ever to go and buy stuffs from jumble clothes shop! Yay for me!
I went there with my mom for the very purpose of armouring ourselves with the right equipment to battle the freezing, biting, and chilling cold of…well, of some place. My first impression when I stepped into the store was, “Err…not bad but not really my kind of store.” But as I browsed through the apparel, it became apparent to me that the shop was a turf for a game of treasure hunts. There were decent clothing hiding among the racks and racks of attire just waiting to be discovered and the price was more than affordable, especially for a student like me. Though you have to be careful to inspect the clothes that you are going to buy very thoroughly for fearing they might have imperfection here and there, for example a hidden torn (under your armpit. And the coat was very nice… –sighs forlornly-).
My mom and I ended up spending around rm200 just for buying used-but-still-in-a-good-condition coats (and a pair of jeans for her) and considering the real price of winter coats (the one that is FIRST HAND) it was pretty cheap.
Then we went to PUNCAK ALAM CORNER (or is it D’CORNER?) to satisfy my craving of………………
So I ordered Keow Teoy (is this how you supposed it because truth to God, I DO NOT KNOW. So don’t go around suing me for my lack of ability in S-P-E-L-L-I-N-G) Tom Yam! Bungkus that is. Or take out. =P
I have always loved Tom Yam, especially the KAW one. The one where the thickness of the broth is just right, not too thick nor too dilute, and the spiciness match this spicy tongue of mine with the exact tang of sourness complete with lots of seafood and onion (I LOVE onion. I’m a freak. I know) in between!
(credit goes to whoever owns this pic)
I spent the minutes of waiting for my Tom Yam biting on the straw of my drink. Old habit dies hard.
As I waited with my mom, I told my mom I wanted to get a new pair of glasses (for the old one went MIA).
And so I did.
After I’ve finished with the whole session of putting lenses one by one onto the metal-rimmed spectacle that the shop owner (I know she’s the owner okay. Do not question it) put it on me to check and find the exact power and silau (I don’t know what is silau in English. Haha) of my eyes respectively, I find out that both my eyes have the same power and silau. 200 for power and 50 for silau. And silently I gloated (or is it gloat for I still am) about it. Do you think it’s easy for your eyesight of both left and right to be the same when you’re having sightedness problem? Not easy. –stupid ego of mine-
Oh, and the power went down from 225 to 200. Let us hope it continued.
So yeah. That is all there is. Was it fun? =.=’ Okay, that was a stupid question. And the answer was pretty obvious.
Postscript – the frame of the glasses is pink. Yet again. And no, my favourite colour is not pink. It just happens that pink suits me.
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(credit goes to whoever owns this pic) |
Post post-script - The Tom Yam was a disappointment. My heart bleeds... T.T
Thursday, March 3, 2011
1 equals One
Assalamualaikum and hi~.
So, writing a blog is harder than I thought it would be. I got zero on my mind and I don't even know why the hell am I opening a blog. Oh wait. I do know. =.='
Okay, this is embarassing...
Would anyone really be interested in what comes out from this mouth of mine?
yeah. don't think so.
Anyway, welcome. =)
postscript - silence is golden. or so they said.
So, writing a blog is harder than I thought it would be. I got zero on my mind and I don't even know why the hell am I opening a blog. Oh wait. I do know. =.='
Okay, this is embarassing...
Would anyone really be interested in what comes out from this mouth of mine?
yeah. don't think so.
Anyway, welcome. =)
postscript - silence is golden. or so they said.
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