Friday, April 29, 2011

30 Days Challenge; DAY 1!

I'm taking this challenge just for the fun of it. And I got this from my dear Raerae. You know who you are babe. (p/s - I'm addicted to the song at your blog.)

DAY 01 - Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

Well, as all of you know, I am very much single.

I've been single for a very long time and I don't feel the need to change my status anytime soon. Or perhaps that is because I have grown comfortable and accustomed of being by myself, not having to report to someone of my wellbeing, my whereabout and my doings. 

I have been in a relationship twice during my high school though truthfully, I won't really call it a relationship. They lasted for less than a month; around two weeks I believe and it was most probably because I never really like my boyfriend at that time. Don't get me wrong, I like them but I didn't like them, get it?  The stories behind my relationships were quite complicated so let us leave it at that.

Well, for me, I am very much enjoying single life though I am not going to deny that I feel lonely at times and want nothing more to have someone to talk to, someone to share jokes with and someone to lean on when I need a pillar of support. But then, I realised that I already have someone for all of that and this someone have always been there for me. He never leaves me, always by my side and He knows best what's going through my head and what's hidden in my heart. He's the only support I will ever needed and only He will be with me and help me through my hardest and joyous part of my life. He is here, has been and will always be. There's no question about it.

So I thought to myself, I don't need a boyfriend. I have Allah.

What I really need is a husband. *winks*

because I miss damn much.

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